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Xtreme Series Championship

Dennis Redd and Chris Keith
2018 Xtreme Bass Series Champions

Xtreme Bass Series congratulates Chris Keith and Dennis Redd from the Rodman division on becoming our 2018 Xtreme Bass Series Champions.ย  Chris and Dennis sacked a two day total of 35.56 pounds to win a new Blazer 595 Pro Elite with a Mercury 200 Pro XS valued at $40,000.00!

Our 2018 Schedules are in development so check back soon and make plans to fish one of our divisions next year!ย  Fish 7 events in any one division or 8 events overall and you qualify to fish in ourย  Xtreme Bass Series Championship.ย  ย  Who knows, maybe you will be the next winner of a brand new Blazer Bass Boat.

2018 Xtreme Championship Results