March 20, 2020
Land O Lakes, FL-This weekends events are officially cancelled. We are going to err on the side of caution to be part of the solution and not add to the problem. We have several members that fish with us that fall into the “high risk” category. Florida State parks are not allowing groups 10 or more for any type of event to happen. The directors have to handle everyone’s money and interact with all competitors. These are all things that we have to take into consideration. The safety of our members and staff is of upmost importance. I couldn’t live with myself if someone got sick during one of our events. It’s a lot of pressure to make the right call so we are going to play it safe. Looking towards future events we will be playing it day by day. Any events that are cancelled will be made up at some point through the season. These are unprecedented times and I appreciate everyone’s understanding while we wade through this mess. May God watch over all of us at this time and hope to see you on the water very soon. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. For the most up to date news and information, follow our Facebook Page
-Mike Blocher