Fundraising fishing tournaments have become a popular and effective way to raise money while bringing together experienced tournament anglers, curious beginners, and community members. The Kiwanis Club of the Azalea City recently announced plans for their Inaugural Bass Tournament for the Kids. The event will be held April 27th, 2024 at Palatka City Docks.
“We are excited to host our 1st Annual Kiwanis of Azalea City Bass Tournament ‘All about the kids'”, said Tournament Director Mike Meredith. “Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child at a time. We are shooting for a goal of 200 boats for our first tournament. With a $5,000.00 payout for first place we hope to bring the best anglers around Florida to help aide in our mission. The money raised will help kids with everything from programs, scholarships, and will also get local kids clubs involved in the tournament.”
The event, presented by Holbrook Manufacturing, is guaranteeing a $5,000.00 first place prize and a 1-in-7 payback. Four Big Bass prizes will be awarded as well. Entry for the event will be $120.00 per team. Xtreme Bass Series will be handling emcee and weighmaster duties. Anglers can pre-register online or in person the morning of the event by visiting:
For more information on the 1st Annual Kiwanis Club of the Azalea City Bass Tournament, contact:
Tournament Director: Mike Meredith 386-546-5288. [email protected] Event Coordinator: Becky Williams 352-213-4200. [email protected]
To learn more about the Kiwanis Club of the Azalea City, visit